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IT/Traditional Network

Cisco FPR rommon mode to solve


Current image running: Boot ROM0

Last reset cause: ResetRequest

DIMM_1/1 : Present

DIMM_2/1 : Absent


Platform FPR-2110 with 16384 MBytes of main memory

BIOS has been successfully locked !! MAC Address: 70:df:2f:18:d8:00

rommon 1 > boot <-------------------------------

Note: this may not be a persistent workaround


For a persistent workaround ensure the confreg value is 0x1:


1. Check the confreg value rommon 1 > confreg

2. If it is set to anything other than 0x1 then please change to 0x1 which should be default FTD confreg value: rommon 2 > confreg 0x1

3. Check to confirm the change has taken

rommon 3 > confreg

4. Reboot and the device should no longer boot into rommon and instead should boot into the software installed on it.

rommon 4 > reboot
