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Nexus 7000 series_Config Rollback



오늘은 Nexus 7000 series의 Rollback기능에 대해 포스팅 할게요.

The rollback feature allows you to take a snapshot, or user checkpoint, of the Cisco NX-OS configuration and then reapply that configuration to your device at any point without having to reload the device. A rollback allows any authorized administrator to apply this checkpoint configuration without requiring expert knowledge of the features configured in the checkpoint.

스냅샷을 설정으로, config 이전의 설정 단계로 원복하는 기능인데요.

Nexus 7000 series만 이 기능을 사용할수 있습니다.

The rollback feature requires no license. Default로 제공해 드립니다.

Rollback 기능을 사용을 잘 사용하기 위해, 가이드라인과 제약사항을 잘 읽어 보도록 하겠습니다.

  • You can create up to ten checkpoint copies per VDC.
  • You cannot apply the checkpoint file of one VDC into another VDC
  • You cannot apply a checkpoint configuration in a nondefault VDC if there is a change in the global configuration portion of the running configuration compared to the checkpoint configuration.
  • Your checkpoint filenames must be 80 characters or less.
  • You cannot start a checkpoint filename with the word system.
  • Beginning in Cisco NX-OS Release 4.2(1), you can start a checkpoint filename with the word auto.
  • Beginning in Cisco NX-OS Release 4.2(1), you can name a checkpoint file summary or any abbreviation of the word summary.
  • Only one user can perform a checkpoint, rollback, or copy the running configuration to the startup configuration at the same time in a VDC.
  • After the system executes the write erase or reload command, checkpoints are deleted. You can use the clear checkpoint database command to clear out all checkpoint files.
  • A rollback fails for NetFlow if during a rollback, you try to modify a record that is programmed in the hardware.
  • Although rollback is not supported for checkpoints across software versions, users can perform rollback at their own discretion and can use the best-effort mode to recover from errors.
  • When checkpoints are created on bootflash, differences with the running-system configuration cannot be performed before performing the rollback, and the system reports “No Changes.”
  • Checkpoints are local to a virtual device context (VDC).
  • Checkpoints created using the checkpoint and checkpoint checkpoint_name commands are present upon a switchover for all VDCs.
  • Checkpoints created in the default VDC are present upon reload unless a write-erase command is issued before a reload.
  • Checkpoints created in nondefault VDCs are present upon reload only if a copy running-config startup-config command is issued in the applicable VDC and the default VDC.
  • Rollback to files on bootflash is supported only on files created using the checkpoint checkpoint_name command and not on any other type of ASCII file.
  • Checkpoint names must be unique. You cannot overwrite previously saved checkpoints with the same name.
  • Rollback is not supported in the storage VDC

Rollback 기능을 사용하는 방법을 알아봅시다.
먼저 chekpoint 를 만듭니다.

1. checkpoint {[ cp-name ] [ description descr ] | file filename }

no checkpoint cp-name

Creates a checkpoint of the running configuration to either a user checkpoint name or a file. The checkpoint name can be any alphanumeric string up to 80 characters but cannot contain spaces. If you do not provide a name, Cisco NX-OS sets the checkpoint name to user-checkpoint- number where number is from 1 to 10

2. show checkpoint cp-name [ all

You can use the no form of the checkpoint command to remove a checkpoint name.

Use the delete command to remove a checkpoint file.

그리고, Displays the differences between the source and destination checkpoint selections

1. show diff rollback-patch { checkpoint src-cp-name | running-config | startup-config | file source-file } { checkpoint dest-cp-name | running-config | startup-config | file dest-file }

2. rollback running-config { checkpoint cp-name | file cp-file } [ atomic | best-effort | stop-at-first-failure ]

checkpoint stable

rollback running-config checkpoint stable best-effort
